How is life right now?

Are you feeling motivated? Inspired?

I am so thankful you are here.
You are in the right place.



I’m betting you’re a high achiever! BUT… I suspect that lately… you may also be feeling stuck. I’m betting the rest of the world doesn’t know it… YOU do. And why not? The world has lost its collective mind. And I am guessing that even though you’re a total rock star… high performer… lately, you’ve been feeling hit by all of it. Maybe you’re tired…burdened. Oh…and busy. Very very busy. If this is feeling like you – keep scrolling – I got you!

I see you. I hear you. I understand the voice that nags you in the night and through the day. I have been there.

There is hope, my friend. This place you find yourself- it isn’t all that life has to offer. There is a great big life impact and purpose out there.

You may be here for a variety of reasons. But you are here because you want to live life to the fullest. You don’t want it to pass you by. You want to be the best version of yourself.

Let’s work together to get unstuck. To discover the road ahead. To live this life. Present and participate. Not being a supporting actor in the story of life. Being the lead!

The time is now. Because now is what we have. What if we partnered together to #WINtheNOW. Life is about impact, and I know you want to make yours!

If any of this resonates with you, let’s talk! I want you to find your full rockstar potential. The one that leaves a wake of blessing others behind you, If that sounds like the life you are looking for, keep going!

If you can Identify with this… you’re in the right place!

In short… I help High-Achieving Leaders to #WINtheNOW and design a life where they are working to become the best version of themselves for themselves and those around them.

If this sounds like you…take a breath and know you’re in the right place!

I’ve got you covered!
Feel free to stick around and explore.

If you’re wanting some inspiration and tools check out my blog.

And hey… if you’re wanting some one-on-one help check out my coaching page.

Oh, and if you’ve got a group of High-Achievers and you’re wanting to equip them to #WINtheNOW… be sure to check out my speaking page.

No matter what… I’ve got your back! Lets #WINtheNOW together!

Why work with Eric?

Eric’s outlook on life is infectious, “Winning the Now” is much more than just a catchphrase or a slogan. It is truly how he lives and how I strive to live. Through our many conversations, Eric has helped me realize some of my habits preventing me from doing just that. He didn’t preach at me, he didn’t drill me down with memorization chants, he talked with me, but more importantly, he listened to me. With his guidance, I have reached a better place, not only in my career but in my personal life. I will be forever thankful that our paths have crossed and that I can call him a coach, nay, a friend.

Mike Roederer General Manager, Orchestrate Hospitality, Liberty Street Kitchen
Mike Roederer

Eric Recker has walked alongside me through a global pandemic, professional challenges, and personal issues. The thing I love most about Eric is his gentle, generous, and compassionate spirit. To this, he adds wisdom, experience, and insight to every conversation we have. His faith, commitment, and constant encouragement top it all off. I can honestly say that I am a better man for having Eric in my life.

Tom Vander Well President and Chief Executive Officer, Intelligentics
Tom Vander Well

Eric has the unique ability to instantly connect with the audience. You are instantly engaged to take action and #WINtheNOW.

Petrina Gooch Corporate HR Leader and Podcast Host
Petrina Gooch

Eric raises the level of what is possible when he enters the room. His #WINtheNOW message is a must-keynote for your event, occasion, or meeting.

Stan Gibson Principal/ Owner, Oxygen Plus
Stan Gibson

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