Eric Recker on Life

A Yes Is Also A No.

A Yes Is Also A No.

Burnout Sucks... Being burned out sucks.  The world becomes gray. You are in survival mode.  Sort of like the beginning of my family's favorite movie, The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty.  Walter's...

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Be Sure To Thank Your Sherpa!

Be Sure To Thank Your Sherpa!

Sherpa... Noun.  A member of a Himalayan people living on the borders of Nepal and Tibet, renowned for their skill in mountaineering.  I must admit - I have never met someone who fits the true...

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But Did You Celebrate?

But Did You Celebrate?

It was a haunting question... This last summer I went to an event where an extremely gifted speaker was testing out some content.  She is a marathon runner and part of her talk was around her...

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Are You Living As A NPC?

Are You Living As A NPC?

Here's a scenario... You get up.  Get out of bed.  Exercise.  Shower.  Eat.  Go to work.  Have lunch.  Work some more.  Come home.  Have a meeting or a game or a night at home on the couch.  Call it...

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Will You Ask Yourself?

Will You Ask Yourself?

It hit me like a runaway truck... I remember it clearly.  Of course I do.  It was only a few months ago.  Maybe it has hit you as well.  Sunday morning.  Around 10:00 AM.  That little notification...

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You Gotta Check This Out!

You Gotta Check This Out!

One huge way to grab a win... Is to add value to someone else!  Anyone else with me on this?  I am a firm believer that if we are always looking for ways to add value to someone else's life, our...

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Finding Peace In The Midst Of Crazy

Finding Peace In The Midst Of Crazy

Raise your hand... If you would like more peace in your life.  Anyone have their hands up?  I suspect it may be most, if not all of us. Is it just me, or does peace seem increasingly elusive in our...

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How To Face A New Boss Battle

How To Face A New Boss Battle

I was not a video-gamer growing up. I don't know about you, but my parents were rather convinced that video games were the true gateway to the rotting of the brain.  They believed that absolutely...

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Will You Give Yourself A Gift?

Will You Give Yourself A Gift?

Can you remember? When was the last time you gave yourself a gift? Did you buy yourself something nice that you had wanted for a long time?  Was it a pair of tickets to an event, concert, or show...

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Real vs. False- The Battle Royale

Real vs. False- The Battle Royale

I don't know about you... But I have a love/ hate relationship with urgency.  Urgency can be a good thing when you are hurt and need to get medical attention.  It can be a good thing when you have a...

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Flip The Calendar… Cue The Urgency

Flip The Calendar… Cue The Urgency

It's that time of year... September has hit.  The calendar has flipped. All of the things we have put off over the summer are staring us down clamoring for our attention.  We have walked by them for...

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I Hate Waiting!  Who’s With Me?

I Hate Waiting! Who’s With Me?

Raise your hand if you love waiting. I'll wait.  Anyone?  Go ahead.  Don't be shy. Tom Petty was right when he wrote his famous song, The Waiting.  If you haven't heard it, check out the video.  The...

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Stepping Into The Great Unknown

Stepping Into The Great Unknown

It was known simply as a number... 4.13. An infamous number.  The course number for General Chemistry.  University of Iowa.  August of 1995. Freshman year for me  And at 8:30 AM on Monday of the...

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You Can’t Make This Stuff Up!

You Can’t Make This Stuff Up!

A fire alarm... Let me backtrack a little first.  I was leading an event for a fantastic group of high achievers in West Des Moines yesterday.  The energy was high.  The connections were great. ...

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3 Ways To Make It Happen

3 Ways To Make It Happen

How do you do it all? Lately, this is the question that keeps surfacing.  Through podcast interviews, conversations with patients and friends, it keeps coming up.  This, and the routine followup of...

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Flipping The Script

Flipping The Script

I think we can all agree that negativity is prevalent... It is everywhere.  Social media.  News.  Just about anyone's outlook on the future.  TV.  Music.  Movies.  Negativity is running rampant....

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A Question We All Must Face

A Question We All Must Face

We are all on different journeys... I don't know about you, but this has never been more clear to me than now.  Through countless conversations, having asked countless questions, and having listened...

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What If The Answer Is Not…

What If The Answer Is Not…

What if the answer is not always MORE? What if the answer doesn't always consist of more... More productivity.  More stuff.  More money to spend on more stuff.  More commitments.  More things on the...

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