That Dam Analogy
First of all, thanks for making it through the book!
It is always a big accomplishment to make it to the end of a book. So congratulate yourself. And I know you did it, because you made it here. And I am honored and humbled that you are here!
I hope you enjoy the bonus Refueling Hacks.
- Walk a mile in someone’s shoes
- See the world from a different vantage point
- Change your scenery
- Change your routine
- Fly in a small plane
- Drive with the windows down
- Take the long way home
- Set the cruise LOWER than normal
- Take a selfie with a friend
- Idle your brain
- Take a 15-second break
- 5 minutes of quiet
- 15 minutes of quiet
- 60 minutes of quiet
- Go on vacation for a week
- Take a long weekend
- Take a day off for you
- Leave early randomly one day
- Smile at a stranger
- Laugh out loud
- Laugh again
- Yoga
- Mountain bike
- Try and e-bike
- Hike
- People watch on a bench
- Experience an undistracted moment
- Journal
- Read a book
- Make a bucket list
- Do a bucket list item
- Learn something new
- Call a friend
- Coffee with a friend
- Listen to music
- Create something
- Have joy on the calendar
- Schedule something fun
- Watch a sunset
- Watch a sunrise
- Put your phone down for 5 minutes
- Phone down for an hour
- Phone down for a day
- Airplane mode on your phone
- Read a book to a child
- Five minutes of sun on your forehead
- Take a nap
- Actually go to sleep
- Meditate
- Take a bath
- Take a long hot shower
- Sit in a hot tub
- Sit in a sauna
- Do a body scan
- Take a drive
- Go out to eat and take your time
- Try a new restaurant
- Make a new playlist
- Enjoy your favorite playlist
- Put together a Lego set
- Build creatively with random Legos
- Play cards
- Play solitaire with a deck of cards
- Put together a puzzle
- FaceTime someone you haven’t seen for a while
- Do something playful
- Be childlike
- Make affirmations
- Read your affirmations daily
- Make a brag list of all you have accomplished
- Plan a trip
- Look out the window
- Slow down
- Get your heart rate up
- Exercise
- Have a sabbath from screens
- Do a family adventure challenge
- Build a paper airplane and test it out
- Celebrate something big
- Celebrate something little
- Throw rocks into a river or lake
- Have a bonfire
- Roast marshmallows
- Pray
- Enjoy the sound of silence
- Visit a park
- Move – be in motion
- Watch a movie
- Take a walk around the block
- Watch a movie you haven’t seen
- Watch your favorite movie
- Read your Bible
- Tell someone you love them
- Watch a romantic movie with your significant other
- Daydream
- Envision what you want
- Ask good questions
- Listen for good answers
- Make faithfulness bank
- Put your phone on silent
- Pay it forward
- Buy someone’s coffee
- Pay for someone’s meal
- Do a random act of kindness
- Send an encouraging text
- Visit a ghost town
- Have a lazy day off
- Do a quiet retreat
- Give a compliment
- Notice others
- Go to a dive bar
- Ask to hear someone’s story
- Get a new perspective
- Block schedule your week
- Enjoy your favorite place
- Try to find a new favorite place
- Go to a watrefall
- Visit a slot canyon
- Visit a national park
- Hire a coach
- Meet with a therapist
- Watch the world go by with no agenda
- Go to a concert
- Go to a movie theater
- Go see a play
- Go see an opera
- Watch a musical
- Have a picnic
- Go camping
- Go to a Hibachi restaurant with friends
- Family game night
- Play pickleball
- Join a group
- Join a club
- Find common interests with another
- Go skydiving
- See a new part of your town or city
- Go on a walk through an alley
- Forgive someone
- Repair a relationship
- Extend an olive branch
- Fight only battles worth fighting
- Don’t micromanage
- Give up control
- Empower your people
- Quit while you’re ahead
- Drink enough water
- Enjoy simple pleasures
- Look through a telescope
- Write a chapter of your story
- Set a goal
- Plan your meals for the week
- Set your clothes out the night before
- Check something off your list
- Organize your office
- Smile at someone
- Tell yourself you are worth it
- Give a hug