Simple ways to #WINtheNOW

Aug 20, 2021

What are you being called into right now?  What is that thing that is on your mind constantly but you just keep pushing it back?  What wakes you up at night pondering what if?

And where do you think those thoughts are coming from?  I know way too many people who have seen the sun set on their dreams simply because they never pursued them!  They sat on the sidelines with those same nagging thoughts and they just pushed them to the side.  What if we are called to more?

The false sense of urgency is all around us.  We put those dreams off to pursue the urgent.  The flashy.  The thing that gets our attention.  What if we took that thing that we are pretty sure God is nudging us with and did something about it?  What if we took the next step?  What if we made the phone call?  Scheduled the meeting? Worked on the relationship? In a word, what if we were obedient?

I think that God has a path for our life.  And we can follow it and keep moving along or we can get stuck in a remedial loop because we didn’t get it the first time.  I am not a fan of remediation myself.  It slows down the process.  It is repetitive.  It is frustrating.  I like action!  I like movement.  I like the next step.  Do we want to be a people who are stuck on the repetitive loop?  Or do we want to be people who grab the bull by the horns and take a courageous step into God’s plan for us?

I am more and more convinced all the time that we do not serve a God of comfort zones.  We do not serve a God of complacency.  We do not serve a God who desires for us to live with nothing but idle time.  I believe that we were created on purpose and for a purpose.  God told me to start writing.  It took me a long time to get it.  But once I did, the words flowed.  That is my gift.  Words.  What is yours?  How have you been blessed?

One simple step of obedience has led to a book and a blog and a website and a couple of chances to speak.  What will it lead to for you?  Will you ever find out?  No better way I know of the #WINtheNOW than to be walking in God’s plan for your life.  Be blessed as you take that next step and follow your God-sized dream.


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