Eric Recker on Life

Getting Called Out

Getting Called Out

Who likes getting called out? Raise your hands high for those in the back.  I'll wait.  Anyone?  Bueller?  Couldn't resist that reference. Anyone? Right.  No one.  I don't either.  I don't like...

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Addition or Subtraction?

Addition or Subtraction?

Houston... we have a problem. I'm so busy.  I am stressed. I think I'm sick. I'm depressed. My life is so disorganized. I need to get my weight under control.  I need to get control of my schedule. ...

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The Art Of Failure

The Art Of Failure

I have failed... More times than I care to count.  I have failed as a father, as husband, as business owner, as dentist, as a writer, as a speaker, as a triathlete, as a friend, and countless other...

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Who Wants A Free Superpower?

Who Wants A Free Superpower?

The ability to fly. Every single time.  That was my answer.  How would you answer the superpower question?  If you could have any superpower in the world, what would you choose? I always chose the...

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The Word Of The Day Is Busy.

The Word Of The Day Is Busy.

How are you? Busy.  So Busy.  Yeah, tell me about it.  I am so busy too!  Sound familiar?  My guess is that it does.  Because busy has become the new fine.  Not that long ago, I remember the...

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Trust The Story Being Written

Trust The Story Being Written

I don't know where you are today... I don't know where you are on the mountain of life.  Are you at the base of the mountain staring up thinking it looks way too high to climb? Is the stuff in your...

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Courage To Raise Your Hand

Courage To Raise Your Hand

No one knew... Not a soul.  Not a single person.  Amy didn't know. My team at the office didn't know.  My mentor didn't know. I didn't share it with my inner circle, which was much smaller at the...

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Walking Out A Dream

Walking Out A Dream

Four short years ago... There was no dream.  Just survival.  Moving from task to task and day to day in a gray, monochromatic fog.  There was no color.  There was very little excitement.  No...

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Picking Up The Pieces

Picking Up The Pieces

Lying on the floor... In the server room.  In the basement of my dental office.  After the server had crashed.  Seriously?  Of all the times it could crash, why did it choose now? I was thirty...

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When It All Falls Apart

When It All Falls Apart

3 years and two days ago... I had it all figured out.  Why?  Because I had had it.  I was done.  Torched.  Burned out.  Fried crispy.  I had experienced all that burnout had to offer and I made a...

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Stop, Drop, and Roll.

Stop, Drop, and Roll.

We all learned it... Do you remember hearing this in school?  What to do if you are on fire... stop, drop, and roll.  While I am super thankful that I haven't had to use that strategy when it comes...

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8 Books For A 7-Day Vacation?

8 Books For A 7-Day Vacation?

My coach calls it... Packing eight pounds of nuts in a four pound bag.  Sound familiar?  Or am I the only one that has seen a timeframe and shoved everything under the sun in that amount of time? ...

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The Dreaded Backslide

The Dreaded Backslide

Backslide Verb.  To revert to a worse position.  Sound familiar?  Unfortunately, it has become all too familiar for me as of late. I was doing what I would consider a good job of managing my life,...

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Quiet… And Christmas?

Quiet… And Christmas?

Quiet and Christmas... For many of us, those two words simply don't go together.  There is nothing quiet about the season.  The preparation.  The gift buying.  Cooking, cleaning, second-guessing,...

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Giving An Early Christmas Gift

Giving An Early Christmas Gift

Take a step back if you will... Actually travel back in time to ponder a memory of receiving a great gift.  Maybe you were a little kid.  Maybe it was your last birthday.  Was it last Christmas? ...

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3 Warning Lights You Can’t Ignore

3 Warning Lights You Can’t Ignore

Most of you have experienced at least one of these... Allow me to back up a little.  My story is one of bullying, striving, chasing, and burnout.  And those of you who have spent some time with me...

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Life In The In-Between

Life In The In-Between

Raise your hand... If you love the big moments of life.  The mountaintop experiences.  The home runs.  Celebrations.  Parties.  The big stuff.  The vacations, big purchases, and big events on the...

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A Day Is Too Much

A Day Is Too Much

How was your day? The start to most conversations as I walk in the door at the end of a workday.  And, until recently, the answer was similar.  More times than not, the answer was negative.  This...

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