Raise your hand if you love waiting. I'll wait. Anyone? Go ahead. Don't be shy. Tom Petty was right when he wrote his famous song, The Waiting. If you haven't heard it, check out the video. The...
Eric Recker on Life
Stepping Into The Great Unknown
It was known simply as a number... 4.13. An infamous number. The course number for General Chemistry. University of Iowa. August of 1995. Freshman year for me And at 8:30 AM on Monday of the...
You Can’t Make This Stuff Up!
A fire alarm... Let me backtrack a little first. I was leading an event for a fantastic group of high achievers in West Des Moines yesterday. The energy was high. The connections were great. ...
3 Ways To Make It Happen
How do you do it all? Lately, this is the question that keeps surfacing. Through podcast interviews, conversations with patients and friends, it keeps coming up. This, and the routine followup of...
Flipping The Script
I think we can all agree that negativity is prevalent... It is everywhere. Social media. News. Just about anyone's outlook on the future. TV. Music. Movies. Negativity is running rampant....
A Question We All Must Face
We are all on different journeys... I don't know about you, but this has never been more clear to me than now. Through countless conversations, having asked countless questions, and having listened...
What If The Answer Is Not…
What if the answer is not always MORE? What if the answer doesn't always consist of more... More productivity. More stuff. More money to spend on more stuff. More commitments. More things on the...
How Much Do You Need To (UN)Hurry?
Have you ever reached your breaking point? That point in which you feel as if anything else on your plate might just in fact cause catastrophic failure? That was me… And it snuck up on me. Others...
Adversity- Will We Go Around Or Through It?
Have you ever stared up at the tower... And felt like it was just too much? That maybe the easier course of action is to just get in your vehicle and drive back home. That your initial confident...
A Beautiful Letdown
What goes up, must come down... At the Recker house, all roads have been leading to June 10. From early May of 2022 when my son Blake asked his girl friend, Emily, to marry him and they set a date,...
3 Ways To Supercharge Your Weekend!
Raise your hand if you are limping into the weekend. Also raise your hand if you feel that you are coasting on fumes lately. Life is crazy right now! Am I the only one who feels it? Even something...
One Easy Way to Get A Win This Week
Trust me in this! We all like wins, right? What if I told you that I know how you can win this week? Would you be interested? Would you lean in? What if I told you that I can almost guarantee...
3 Ways To Make Sure You Don’t Miss It
Have you ever missed it... Have you ever missed a moment in your life? Crazy question, right? Of course you have! We all have. For many reasons. Some good. And some, well, not so much. And how...
Can I Be Brutally Honest With You?
How would you answer if you were asked what you see when you look in the mirror? Do you see value? Do you see worth? Do you avoid looking in the mirror? And what is that opinion formed as a result...
An Argument For Celebration… Let’s Party!
I think we suck at celebrating... Well... not all of us, but I bet I got your attention! But did I grab it for the right reasons? Do you love to throw a party? Are you always looking for reasons...
True Meaning Or Just More Stuff
Have you ever looked at the things you own... And reflected on their meaning? Or do you just chase and acquire, chase and acquire, all along feeling just a bit empty even though you have the thing...
What Is Your Time Worth?
You and Warren Buffett have something in common. It may not be the size of your bank account. It may not be your age. It may not be your beliefs on politics or investments. The thing you have in...
Hey! Can I Get A Do-Over?
Have you ever wanted a chance to start over? Have you ever wished that you could get a fresh start? Have you ever blown it and wished you could hit the rewind button and watch yourself move...